Monday, April 21, 2008

Planet Shakers + YC uniform Day

Hey everyone,
I know its been a week I didn't update my blog coz due to the transition. I hope its not too late to blog this post..hehe..

On the 12th April, Planet Shakers came to my church for the 1st time and it was full of people. It was an awesome time and being in God presence especially during Praise n Worship was totally a different story. I did tried to take some picture with my Phone but the main pictures are still with my friend, Wei Jan. She was the photographer of the day man.So I will just upload some of the picture that I took but I will upload again pictures taken by her when i get the pictures. Check out the pictures.

Before the event start..very empty right?

This is when is half

and the following pictures are during Praise and Worship...

so ya..thats for Planet Shakers.....

YC High School Uniform Day

On the 13th April, I had to wear my old school uniform to YC coz its High school day in YC. So everyone had to wear their uniform including leaders and cool is that..That day section was on "How God can Be Real In schoool?

so I shall let the pictures do the talking...

Even Rose wore her school uniform...believe it?hehehe

From left is Jovan, Me and Terry...yes,its Terry in the school uniform..haha

Me and Dearest Carmen...Our 1st time taking picture together in our uniforms..haha..

Me and Carissa..Do we look like twins??...Everyone in YC was like "eh,are you two from the same school?" we were like "No" haha...we are from different school but our prefect uniform is the same colour...haha..

Haha..all the leaders..too bad I was not in coz i was incharge of taking their
we really had a great time in the house of god man....

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